To boldly go where no woperson has gone before


Getting a little worried about my darling wife Lady S. She published this memo today :-

From the desk of Lady S – heart date : 18.07.2012

“Norfolk… the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the heartship Romany. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new lands, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no wo-person has gone before.”

She’s referring to our upcoming boating trip to the Norfolk Broads with friends…

With reference to ones upcoming mission to meet the as-yet undiscovered tribes of Norfolk, one publishes the ship’s charter above. I will be travelling with my lady-in-waiting Lady Barton St. Mary. In light of the purpose of our mission to recruit people to my well-being-group-hug my research shows that conventional crew titles are wholly inappropriate. Therefore : –

Ship’s Manifest

Lady S (moi) – 1st Class Passenger
Lady BSM – 1st Class Passenger
Dame Penelope Humphris – Captain – Wellbeing Server
Roberto Randall – Science Officer – Social Media Rockstar
The Sexton – Medical Officer – Director of Cultural Liaison
Heraldo Lee (my hubby) – Chief Engineer – Diversity Enabler
Master Johnny – Communications Officer – Outreach Guerrilla
Young George – Yeoman – Civil Resilience Persuader

Well, this was wrong on so many levels I didn’t really know where to start.

The strong references to Star Trek got me musing. Had her sect made links with the Scientologists? Had her soft spot for Tom Cruise, because he looked a lot like me, and her high powered contacts finally born fruit? Or had she simply fallen in love with the humourous sci-fi show that so typified the genre? If so, why?